Cardiology and Whole You Care

African American woman patient with woman doctor listening to chest with stethoscope

AdvantageCare Physicians’ (ACPNY) “whole you” coordinated care approach means understanding your entire health picture—your physical and mental health, how you exercise and eat, and everything else that adds up to the whole you. For example, effective preventive cardiology consists of excellent blood pressure control, lipid and blood sugar management, dietary changes, exercise guidance, and stress reduction. In our practice, you’ll have access to a wide range of providers to meet your health care needs.


Collaboration Between Your Cardiologist and Other Providers

Effective “whole you” care starts with your Primary Care Provider (PCP), who will manage a Care Team dedicated to making sure you receive the right care at the right time. Selecting an ACPNY PCP ensures that any cardiovascular health decisions are made with knowledge of your entire health picture. In fact, your PCP can even directly refer you to an ACPNY cardiologist, giving them shared visibility into your health records, which reside in your myACPNY patient portal account. Your cardiologist and PCP will then closely collaborate on any decisions about your health—from blood pressure medication doses to concerns involving lipid values.

In addition to collaborating with your PCP, your cardiologist will also be able to work with other specialists if needed. This seamless coordination can range from working with nutritionists on weight loss strategies to endocrinologists on diabetes management.

Seamless Testing Capabilities

ACPNY also offers access to an array of on-site testing capabilities for our cardiology patients. Electrocardiograms (EKGs), echocardiograms (ECGs), and stress tests can all be done at ACPNY offices—we even offer nuclear stress test capabilities that are typically only offered in hospital centers.

Through our partnership with Lenox Hill Radiology, you can easily take care of any needed radiographic imaging, in some cases without even leaving the building. Lab testing can also be performed same-day at many of our offices, either through our own labs or our partners at Quest Diagnostics.

Helping You Make Positive Lifestyle Changes

At ACPNY, we know that your cardiovascular care goes beyond tests and medications. You will have access to behavioral health specialists who can guide you on stress-reduction strategies that can ultimately have a big impact on your heart health. Moreover, our partners at EmblemHealth Neighborhood Care can provide you with classes on cooking, nutrition, exercise, and more—all free of charge to our patient community.

What You Can Do Now

There’s no doubt about it—maintaining a healthy heart is vital to your overall well-being. Discussing risk factors like age, family history, and smoking with your provider can help ensure that you receive proper guidance on medication and testing. If you’re concerned about your heart health based on any of these risk factors, you should schedule an appointment with your PCP. And, if not, you may still want to consider asking about your heart health at your next regularly scheduled visit. Maintaining your cardiovascular health is too important to risk—make an appointment today.


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In observance of Presidents’ Day, most ACPNY offices will be closed on Monday, February 17. For your convenience, select offices will remain open. Learn more.