See it? Suspect it? Report It!
As employees, you have a duty to report actual, suspected or potential violations of applicable rules, laws, regulations and policies or the Code of Conduct to your supervisor or the Compliance, Legal or Human Resources departments. Never assume someone else discovered and reported a concern or issue. When you have a concern, it is your duty and responsibility to report it.
Compliance and Ethics Hotline
Confidential, easy-to-use and always available
The ACPNY Compliance Hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and you may report concerns anonymously.
If you request anonymity, you will not be identified. Your call will not be recorded, and no attempt will be made to determine your identity online. Each call or website submission remains confidential to the extent possible and permitted by law.
Remember, you will not get in trouble for reporting!
AdvantageCare Physicians prohibits retaliation or retribution against any employee who in good faith reports suspected fraud, waste and abuse (FWA) or compliance concerns, or otherwise participates in the Compliance program.
You may contact the Compliance and Ethics Hotline or website to report your concerns:
- Call the Compliance Hotline at 844-7-COMPLY (844-726-6759)
- Go online at
What to Report?
Some compliance concerns or issues that you may see and should report include:
- Conflicts of interest
- Accepting inappropriate gifts or gratuities
- Inappropriately disclosing confidential information; including protected health information
- Ignoring regulatory requirements
- Improper use of ACPNY systems and assets
- Falsifying documents
- Health, safety, and environmental concerns
- Perpetrating theft, fraud, waste and abuse