Vendors and Suppliers

AdvantageCare Physicians (ACPNY) is committed to providing quality healthcare services and conducting business in full compliance with the letter and spirit of all applicable laws and in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Our commitment to providing quality health care in a legal and ethical environment is fundamental to our practice and sets the standard for how we do business. The ACPNY Board of Directors has adopted a corporate compliance program to ensure that this commitment is upheld. The ACPNY Vendor Code of Conduct, the cornerstone of our compliance program, translates that commitment into a written statement of standards of behavior for all vendors and independent contractors who act on our behalf.

Relationships with vendors, subcontractors and suppliers are handled in a fair and reasonable manner, consistent with all applicable laws and good business practices. Vendors, subcontractors and suppliers are selected on the basis of objective criteria, including standards of quality, service, price, delivery capability and technical excellence. ACPNY actively pursues competitive bidding through available resources that include national group purchasing affiliations and regional and local alliances. All purchasing decisions are based on price and the supplier's abilities to meet our needs. Under no circumstances are decisions based on personal relationships, whether the relationship involves an ACPNY employee, an ACPNY officer or director, or an employee’s family member or friend. We employ the highest ethical standards and business practices in selecting and negotiating with vendors awarding contracts and administering all purchasing activities. ACPNY does not knowingly enter into contracts or do business with vendors that have been convicted of a criminal offense related to health care or that have been excluded from or are otherwise ineligible to participate in federal or state healthcare programs.

ACPNY does business with only those vendors, subcontractors and suppliers that comply with applicable laws and whose business conduct is consistent with our Vendor Code of Conduct and compliance program. In accordance with the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, ACPNY is committed to educating vendors and contractors about its compliance program and policies.

To review the ACPNY Vendor Code of Conduct and Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 Policy, please click the links below:

Questions regarding any aspect of the compliance program or policies should be directed to the Compliance Office at

In observance of Presidents’ Day, most ACPNY offices will be closed on Monday, February 17. For your convenience, select offices will remain open. Learn more.